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          《白樂崎專欄》 誰說「海峽不太危急」 ●自由(2010.01.25) 【Comment】 Former AIT chairman Natale H. Bellocchi writes that KMT regime showed itself on Taiwan while Taiwan is still an occupation territory. He continues that the standpoint of the US and the western powers toward the status of Taiwan is it is an undetermined question and should be solved according to SFPT of 1952. That is absolutely contrary to Ma's thinking which is Taiwan has returned to ROC in the Treaty of Taipei of 1952. Ma just omitted SFPT.Ma plans to exhibit further the originals of theTreaty o 燒烤f Shimonoseki of 1895 this year later. Guess he means to "prove" the Qing Empire has not transferred "the sovereignty" of Formosa and the Pescadores to Japan. Only jurisdiction has been dealt with...Well, the US then should asked John W. Foster, a former US Secretary of State (June 1892-Feb. 1893), who prepared the draft of the Treaty of Shimonoseki for Qing. 這句話很難理解:「把這裡當做佔領領土般對待時出現」。主詞是啥呢?整句是「在落敗的國民黨被趕出中國、到台灣落腳,把這裡當做佔領領土般 賣屋對待時出現」,還是不容易理解。拆解文法後,恍然大悟,此句主要是「國民黨…出現」,時間副詞是「在…時」。 換言之,白樂崎說的是,當國民黨來的1949年之時候,台灣還是「佔領領土」。白樂崎省略的是,台灣是「盟國集體的佔領領土」。國民黨移到「佔領」領土,這就是「流亡」。台灣的政治格局就是「佔領+流亡」。白樂崎再追加的「美國或其他西方國家…立場是:這是個未解決議題,這個島嶼的未來需要依照一九五二年舊金山和約決定。」 法學博士馬總統在2009.04.28祭出〈台北和約〉的原文與場景,「證明」日本已經將台灣交給ROC中國。碰一鼻子灰?景觀設計妨寣A馬總統攆走日本代表齋藤出氣。據說2010年(應該是4月17日星期六的簽約日)馬總統展出〈馬關條約〉。到時候,他大概會說大清交給日本只是「管理權」不是「主權」,所以大清中國(不一定是PRC中國)可以名正言順要回台灣。誰是大清呢?要不要請John W. Foster出面?真普通~ st1\00003a*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} 《白樂崎專欄》 誰說「海峽不太危急」 ●自由(2010.01.25) 台灣、美國和中國的關係已引起許多學術分析探討,這是可理解、甚至值得稱讚的,因為美中台關係複雜,可有不同的解讀和觀察,過去已有?個人信貸\多論文對於了解這三國之間的關係發展做出寶貴貢獻。然而,不時會有學者發表脫離現實、缺乏了解且天真的分析,布魯斯.季禮( Bruce Gilley)這篇刊登於「外交事務」二○一○年一/二月號、名為「不太危急的海峽」(Not so Dire Straits)一文就是一例。 季禮的基本論點是,目前台灣與中國之間的「和解」,開啟了台灣「芬蘭化」之路,也為美國允許台灣從目前處於美國戰略軌道內,移往中國影響力範圍下鋪路。季禮錯誤臆測之處在於,認為這個過程終將導致中國民主化。 美中台關係 季禮認知錯誤 季禮認知錯誤的不只一點,礙於此文篇幅,只能談其中幾個重點。先從「芬蘭化」說起,文中說芬?土地買賣齠P蘇聯達成的協議「在當時廣受芬蘭國內支持」。問題是,當時的芬蘭人已經被俄羅斯人拿著槍指著腦袋了,還有很多選擇嗎? 第二點是歷史的精確性。季禮寫道,一九四九年「台灣和中國變成分離的政治實體……」關於這一點,事實是,當時是日本殖民地的台灣已經是個分離政治實體有五十多年了,在那之前,頂多只能說中國帝制政府對這個島嶼有一點影響力,問題是在落敗的國民黨被趕出中國、到台灣落腳,把這裡當做佔領領土般對待時出現。【Remark】白樂崎這段原文?為:The problem arose when the defeated Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) was driven out of China and landed in Taiwan , treating it like occupie 澎湖民宿d territory. It is also incorrect to say “most of the international community came to accept Beijing ’s claim to territorial sovereignty over Taiwan .” This was only the case for pro-Beijing regimes of the likes of Zimbabwe and the Sudan . The US and other Western nations only “noted” or “acknowledged” Beijing’s claims, but took the position that it remained an unresolved issue, and that the island’s future needed to be determined in accordance with the 1952 San Francisco Peace Treaty. 文中另一個「國際社會多半接受北京所宣稱擁有台灣領土主權」的說法也不正確,這種說法只對如辛巴威、蘇丹?票貼正迉_京政權成立,美國或其他西方國家僅「注意」或「認知」北京的說法,但立場是:這是個未解決議題,這個島嶼的未來需要依照一九五二年舊金山和約決定。 該篇文章最嚴重的謬論是,認為張伯倫式(譯按:張伯倫為二戰前的英國首相,對希特勒採取姑息政策)的姑息中國對台灣問題的所作所為,將能讓崛起中的中國民主化、和平化,不會讓中國變本加厲。這種說法存有根本上的誤解:讓步不會讓高壓政權變溫和,只會養大他們的胃口。犧牲辛苦贏來的台灣活躍民主成就,任其漂向一個不確定、混沌不明的「原則性中立」角色會是根本的錯誤,季禮希望我們相信,這種「芬蘭式」地位和如他所說「懦弱地默許順服」,兩者之間是有不同的。像中國這樣的威權強權,只要略施手段就能除 澎湖民宿去其統治路上任何的反對力量,西藏和東突都是相當明顯的例證。 對中國讓步 只會養大胃口 季禮還認為,中國對台灣立場的說法,動機出於「民族主義……和更大範疇的國恥和衰弱論述」的成分較少,而與地緣戰略因素比較有關係:因為台灣地理位置優勢使其具有戰略重要性,將其納入影響範圍可強化中國海軍投射實力,從而擴大對西太平洋影響力。 他這一點論述是正確的,台灣極具戰略重要性,這不只是對日本、南韓,對美國在東亞和亞太地區利益而言也是如此。正是這個理由,美國日前明智地決定,提供台灣這個長期的朋友、盟友反飛彈科技。 從台灣人民觀點來說,傾中意味著失去他們辛苦爭取來的自由和民主。美國在全球、特別是東亞地區的威信,必定仰賴堅持我們所擁護的基本原則,允 租屋許自由民主的台灣落入威權中國的影響力範圍下,是令人無法接受的。 因此,與其讓台灣「芬蘭化」,美國反而應該尋求一個與台灣更堅強交往關係的政策,協助台灣自衛對抗好戰的鄰居、簽署自由貿易協定,以及加強美國與台灣政經關係。只有把台灣帶進國際社會之中,才能達成東亞的真正穩定。 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2010/new/jan/25/today-p9.htm 【相關閱讀】 Gilley’s ‘Finlandization’ is wrong 「沒有立場加以獨自認定」 馬英九:不會尋求正式「從中國大陸」獨立 ●VOA(2010.01.08) 所謂「芬蘭化」之後續Comment 蘋論:台灣芬蘭化 台灣芬蘭化!那第七艦隊呢? .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 長灘島  .

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          1994.12.01加拿大移民與難民委員會(Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada)針對圖博IC的檢討 ■雲程譯 st1\:*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Comment】 流亡政府的護照,是個很有曲折的話題。 旅行文件=護照?進一步說,印度政府針對圖博人民發行的旅行文件=圖博護照? 這份資料公布於1994.12.01,至今有了改變嗎? 無論如何,流亡人民的境遇是相當悽慘的,流亡政府之上尚有接受國,流亡政府必須受其節制,忍受諸多不變,以換取流亡的安身。 而不知原來自己處於流亡管轄的,套句GGY的話,更是巴子大學的優等生。 【相關閱讀】 西藏之頁 圖博的屋脊 table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} 加拿大移民與難民委員會(Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada)針對圖博IC的檢討 ■雲程譯 【標題】印度:針對印度政府是否核發「國外旅行文件」給在印度的圖博難民,以及若是如此,是何種文件形式的訊息;針對在印度以外之核發與更新程序,以及針對在印度的圖博難民有關教育、就業與出境後再入境的訊息。 【略述】:加拿大移民與難民局,對於「印度:針對印度政府是否核發國外旅行文件給在印度的圖博難民,以及若是如 酒店兼職此,是何種文件形式的訊息;針對在印度以外之核發與更新程序,以及針對在印度的圖博難民有關教育、就業與出境後再入境的訊息」1994年12月1日 根據在印度共和國駐渥太華大使館(the High Commission for the Republic of India in Ottawa)護照事務官員,印度政府從1992年即未曾在印度核發旅行文件給圖博難民(1994.12.09)。在1992年之前,圖博難民若要印度之外旅行,得取得有效期為一個月的「臨時護照」。印度政府不再提供印度圖博難民「旅行服務」。 官員聲明,目前為回返印度,印度外的圖博難民應自海外印度使館取得一份「緊急證明」(1994.12.09)。「緊急證明」並非旅行文件。其為應圖博難民居住地政府之要求而核發。為核發「緊急證明」,印度海外使館,應特別確認難民之「國籍」,從此難民居住國家之移民當局取得有關「圖博難民地位」之證明,從印度政府取得重返的入境許可,以及返回印度的確認機票。核發「緊急證明」需要三到六個月時間,一般有效期限為兩星期。 此官員聲明,圖博難民返回印度並不擁有工作、也無接受印度政府服務的權利(1994.12.09)。進一步的訊息,請洽「訊息回應部門」(IND11239 1992.07.20)。 小型辦公室 根據紐約的圖博代表處,以及華盛頓DC的「國際圖博促進組織」(the International Campaign for Tibet),印度政府並未在印度核發旅行文件給圖博難民。 「圖博代表處」(Representatives of the Office of Tibet)與「國際圖博促進組織」皆指出,取得「身份證明」(identity certificate, IC),即因文件的顏色而被稱為「黃皮書」(yellow book)(1994.12.09; 1994.12.12)。「國際圖博促進組織」強調,在印度只核發給圖博難民的是「身份證明」,可以作為旅行之用但並非護照。 「圖博代表處」與「國際圖博促進組織」代表表示,為取得「身份證明」,圖博難民想至印度以外旅行,應向在達蘭莎拉的圖博流亡政府申請,包括提出國外個人或組織之邀請函(1994.12.12; 1994.12.09)。「國際圖博促進組織」說,為取得「身份證明」,此人或組織必須提供銀行存款證明、財力資助證明(affidavit of support)、圖博流亡政府認證之「綠書」,以及父或母為圖博人之證明。 有關「綠書」,「國際圖博促進組織」表示,此為圖博流亡政府發給在印度的圖博難民,做為證明文件之用(1994.12.09)。 根據「圖博代表處」與「國際圖博促進組織」取得「身份證明」的手續曠日 信用貸款廢時,可達到4~6個月(1994.12.09)。檢附各證明文件的申請表,必須題交在達蘭莎拉的圖博流亡政府處理,然後再轉送給新德里依序轉給各主管當局核准。大多數「身份證明」的申請,會獲得印度當局的核准。 兩代表處指出,「身份證明」有效期限為兩年(1994.12.12; 1994.12.09)。「國際圖博促進組織」補充,從去年起,「身份卡」有效期限為六年(1994.12.09)。 兩代表處所提供「仍不清處圖博難民在外旅行中是否能更新其效期」的訊息。根據「國際圖博促進組織」過期文件的持有人必須就近於回來之前在印度使館更新。更新手續花費2~3個月。然而,「圖博代表處」指出在外旅行中圖博難民「身份證明」的更新手續,更複雜些(1994.12.12)。對此,核發給圖博難民的「身份證明」,只能在印度更新。雖然還無法進一步加以評論,但「圖博代表處」聲明,圖博難民旅行文件到期的案例,是很罕見的。 此回應是由DIRB。此回應並非意味決定性任何難民地位或庇護個案內容。 India: Information on whether the Indian government issues documents to Tibetan refugees in India to travel abroad and, if so, what type of documents; information on the issue and renewal procedures o 找房子utside India and on the rights of Tibetan refugees in India to education and employment and to re-entry after visiting abroad Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, India: Information on whether the Indian government issues documents to Tibetan refugees in India to travel abroad and, if so, what type of documents; information on the issue and renewal procedures outside India and on the rights of Tibetan refugees in India to education and employment and to re-entry after visiting abroad, 1 December 1994. IND19143.E. Online. UNHCR Refworld, available at: http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/3ae6ad 0f 30.html [accessed 20 April 2009] According to a passport official at the High Commission for the Republic of India in Ottawa, the Indian government has not issued documents to Tibetan refugees in India for travel abroad since 1992 (9 Dec. 1994). Before 1992, Tibetan refugees who wished to travel outside India could obtain a temporary passport valid for one month (ibid.). The Indian government no longer offer 澎湖民宿s "travel services" to Tibetan refugees in India (ibid.). The official stated that currently, in order to return to India, a Tibetan refugee outside India must obtain an emergency certificate from a high commission of India abroad (9 Dec. 1994). Emergency certificates are not travel documents (ibid.). They are issued upon the request of the government where a Tibetan refugee is residing (ibid.). To issue an emergency certificate, the Indian high commission abroad must, among other things, ascertain the refugee's nationality, obtain a clearance regarding the Tibetan refugee's status from the immigration authorities of the country where the refugee resides, obtain a clearance from the Indian government to allow the refugee's entry into the country, and verify the confirmed airline ticket to India (ibid.). An emergency certificate requires three to six months to be issued and is usually valid for two weeks (ibid.). The same official indicated that Tibetan refugees returning to India do not have the right to work n 酒肉朋友or the right of access to government services in India (9 Dec. 1994). For further information on this subject, please refer to Response to Information Request IND11239 of 20 July 1992. According to representatives of the Office of Tibet in New York and of the International Campaign for Tibet in Washington , DC , however, the Indian government does issue documents to Tibetan refugees in India for travel abroad (12 Dec. 1994; 9 Dec. 1994). Representatives of the Office of Tibet and the International Campaign for Tibet both indicated that to travel outside India , Tibetan refugees in India must obtain an identity certificate, known also as the "yellow book" because of its colour (12 Dec. 1994; 9 Dec. 1994). The representative of the International Campaign for Tibet emphasized that the identity certificate is issued to Tibetan refugees in India solely for travel purposes but is not a passport (ibid.). The representatives of the Office of Tibet and the International Campaign for Tibet stated that to obtain the identity certificate, a Tibetan refug 有巢氏房屋ee wishing to travel abroad must submit to the office of the exiled Tibetan government in Dharamsala, among other documents, a letter of invitation from the individual or organization inviting him or her to travel abroad (12 Dec. 1994; 9 Dec. 1994). The representative of the International Campaign for Tibet added that a bank statement of this individual or organization, an affidavit of support from this individual or organization, the green book carrying a stamp of the exiled Tibetan government and documents stating that the applicant was born of a Tibetan mother or father are also required for obtaining an identity certificate (ibid.). Regarding the green book, the representative of the International Campaign for Tibet stated that this book is issued by the exiled Tibetan government to Tibetan refugees in India and is used as an identity document (9 Dec. 1994). According to the representatives of Office of Tibet and the International Campaign for Tibet, the procedure for obtaining the an identity certificate is lengthy given that processing a request can take four to si 永慶房屋x months (9 Dec. 1994). Application forms accompanied by the required documents must be submitted to the office of the exiled Tibetan government in Dharamsala to be processed, then sent to its office in New Delhi which in turn forwards them to the appropriate Indian authorities for approval (ibid.). Requests for the identity certificate are approved by the Indian authorities in most cases (ibid.). Both representatives indicated that an identity certificate is valid for two years (12 Dec. 1994; 9 Dec. 1994). The representative of the Office for Tibet added that since last year, identity cards can be issued for six years (12 Dec. 1994). Information provided by representatives of the two organizations on whether a Tibetan refugee travelling outside of India can renew his or her expired travel document is unclear. According to the representative for the International Campaign for Tibet , the holder of an expired document must renew it at the nearest high commission of India before returning to India (ibid.). Renewal procedures can take from two to three months (ibid.). The representative 關鍵字行銷 of the Office of Tibet indicated, however, that renewal procedures for identity certificates for Tibetan refugees travelling abroad are more complicated (12 Dec. 1994). To his knowledge, identity certificates issued to Tibetan refugees can only be renewed in India (ibid.). Although unable to comment further on this subject, the representative of the Office of Tibet stated that cases of expired travel documents held by Tibetan refugees are rare (ibid.). This response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. References High Commission for the Republic of India , Ottawa . 9 December 1994. Telephone interview with passport official. International Campaign for Tibet , Washington , DC . 9 December 1994. Telephone interview with a representative. Office of Tibet , New York . 12 December 1994. Telephone interview with a representative. http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/refworld/rwmain?docid=3ae6a 辦公室出租d0f30  .

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          補充:王景弘〈捲入中國大黑洞 絕非台灣意識〉 【Abstract】 Senior journalist Wang Jing-Hong wrote an article, based on a report of John J. Czyzak in 1961, concluded that Taiwan status is yet determined. My research, based on the induction and the deduction method, also tell the same result. Wang also cited five possible scenarios of the future of Taiwan. He preferred the plebiscite one.However, ev 訂做禮服en the plebiscite is carried out solely by the people on Taiwan, it is still an legal act under the mandate of international law or simply put the right is given by the one(s) who has power to decide the future of Taiwan. Voters elected MYJ as the president of ROC in 2008. MYJ vowed no China merger during his 買屋lifetime in election yet he is doing China merger all the way, after he is in the office. It reminds us to consider the fact that “it is the very same voters are going to do the plebiscite”.Making sure what the status of Taiwan is more important than conceiving of solutions for now and for all. 台灣地位的探討,可以用「歸納法」也 有巢氏房屋可以用「演繹法」,當然,獲得文獻佐證的歷史探討法更好。我本人的研究途徑先採用「歸納法」獲得初步原則後,再以「演繹法」去測試歷史資料,結果得出台灣地位未定的結論。不約而同的,資深記者王景弘對台灣地位,則從紮實的文獻資料也中獲得類似的結論(包括台灣人集體的心理慣性,如何成為探討台灣地位時的障礙)。他的一篇〈捲入中國大黑洞 絕非台灣意識〉提到有趣的內容: 「台 酒店兼職灣人背錯書,困在宿命論中無法自拔,便有身陷中國大黑洞的危險。要去除宿命論,應先認清三點無可爭辯的事實:第一,舊金山和約是終結太平洋戰爭的最後文件,它規定日本放棄對台灣的一切權利、所有權及主張;第二,台灣主權並未規定移交給任何國家,因此,台灣主權並非中國所有;第三,任何擁有台灣主權的說法,都只是一種主張或理論,而非台灣主權歸屬的定論。基於這些事實,國際法學者多半認為台灣法律地位尚未?訂做禮服怮嶁M定。既然尚未最後決定,便產生如何解決及可能結果的議論。1961年,美國國務院法律顧問齊札克(John J. Czyzak)曾對台灣地位提出分析報告,在認定台灣地位未定之說在法律上最站得住腳之後,提出未來可能解決的方式:一、由戰勝國協議;二、由對日和約簽字國協議;三、透過公民投票;四、透過國際社會承認繼續佔有台灣、並主張對台灣完全主權之當局;五、交聯合國託管。」 王景弘先生以「要討論這五種方式,應注意到當年存在的 網路行銷情勢:台灣佔領當局(中華民國)仍佔據聯合國之中國席位;聯合國人權宣言、聯合國政治與公民權利條約尚未簽訂;台灣尚未民主化。」他論述了第一案~第五案的優缺點,得出第三案對台灣最有利,從而帶出以「公民投票」(plebiscite)解決台灣問題的結論。想補充的是:這五個方案,特別是第三案「公民投票」,仍然是國際法的管轄範疇。台灣派絕對不可誤會成為我們可以自己發動的國內法(municipal law)權利。一項國際戰爭遺留下來的領土地位問題,不可能未經過 酒店兼職「有權者的授權」就轉為國內法的議題。在解決台灣問題之前,仍舊要先確定這個基本前題:目前有權決定「如何決定」的是「誰」(單數、複數)? 只要稍加研究聯合國網站包括聯合國大會的決議:1975年〈A/3485號決議〉、1976年〈31/53號決議〉、1977年〈32/34號決議〉、1999年〈A/53/951號決議〉,與聯合國安理會1999年〈S/1999/513號決議〉、1976〈S/389號決議〉的決議,就知道前述「公民投票」的權利賦予以及其實施,仍舊是國際法授權下的行為。特別要說明的是:非獨立的領土並不 租房子是直接依據聯合國大會〈第1514號決議:關於准許殖民地國家及民族獨立之宣言〉與〈第1541號決議〉就可以實施「公民投票」而獨立。領土只有獲得「國家主權」(state sovereignty),即已經變成主權國家,其上的人民,才有依據「國民主權」(popular sovereignty)而擁有改變領土地位的權利。 「公民投票」是前述「國民主權」的一種實踐。台灣派的朋友應該思考一下:曾在2008年無視綠卡疑雲而選出這種(選前選後言行完全相反的)總統的人民,賦予「公民投票」權利後會做出什麼決定?「公民投票」會不會是 信用卡代償一種往昔「出頭天迷思」(台灣民主化,台灣人可以選上總統,就萬事OK)的變形?時機是否成熟?輕率的決定會否造成鄰邦的負擔,從而成為我們自己的無謂成本?等等問題。這並非否定台灣人自決的權利,自決權利台灣人永遠可以也必須主張。在時機未成熟之前,更迫切的問題卻是:我們現在該準備什麼功夫,以便時機成熟時可以立即拿來運用?或者就繼續空想期待,屆時仍一如目前的任憑強者誤導與欺騙? .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店工作  .

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